Different Ways to Take CBD

Different Ways to Take CBD

CBD, or cannabidiol is a non-psychoactive, naturally-occurring chemical present in cannabis. Its usage is continuing to grow in the UK, with a variety of methods being used to take the product. Not only can CBD be added to food, it is also used in cosmetics and...
Cannabis Laws in the UK

Cannabis Laws in the UK

The official law on cannabis is somewhat… complicated, particularly in the UK. Given the record of laws throughout the last decade, the cannabis debate has clearly become a politicized issue. The law has come a long way since illegalisation in 1928, following...
Cannabis Laws in Europe

Cannabis Laws in Europe

A report by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, stated that cannabis accounted for 57% of an overall estimate of 1.6 million substance offences in Europe in 2014. Cannabis is a widely used drug across Europe, not just in countries where it is...
What is the History of CBD? The Dates You Need to Know

What is the History of CBD? The Dates You Need to Know

CBD might feel like a new phenomenon, thanks to the buzz surrounding the compound. But, did you know? Its history dates (way) back to 4000 BC. It may have taken us a while to realise the full potential of the cannabinoid, but the plant it’s extracted from, hemp, has...
The Difference Between Hemp & Cannabis

The Difference Between Hemp & Cannabis

Despite both hemp and marijuana coming from the Cannabis Sativa L plant, there are differences between the two. A lot of it comes down to how people perceive the plant; some often weight their opinion toward cannabis as a drug, rather than as a raw material for...
CBD Crystals: The Lowdown On Isolated Cannabidiol

CBD Crystals: The Lowdown On Isolated Cannabidiol

CBD Isolate – The pros and cons Firstly, what is CBD Isolate and how is it obtained? CBD isolate is not a synthetic or lab-made cannabinoid, but a refined product extracted from the Hemp plant after all the plant’s material, waxes, chlorophyll and other...
Water Soluble CBD, Fat Soluble CBD and The Human Body

Water Soluble CBD, Fat Soluble CBD and The Human Body

One fascinating fact about Cannabis is that our human bodies (similarly to the bodies of many other animals) actually generate their own cannabinoids. These are similar in molecular structure to the cannabinoids in Cannabis. Because of this similarity, the Cannabis...
CBD Oil: UK Law Vs USA Law Vs Canadian Law

CBD Oil: UK Law Vs USA Law Vs Canadian Law

I started this business almost exactly 18 months ago. I had no idea if a) the police would arrest me immediately, b) the newspapers would hassle me for selling cannabis oil, c) I’d be left to run the business in peace. Thankfully, so far it’s been option...
CBD Oil vs Hemp Oil vs Hemp Seed Oil

CBD Oil vs Hemp Oil vs Hemp Seed Oil

CBD oil is often called hemp oil in marketing material. This labelling offers certain benefits to the companies selling the CBD oil. Chief among the benefits: it reminds consumers (and law officers) that the product being sold derives from hemp rather than cannabis,...
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