How should CBD be stored?
As most consumed products, CBD oil has a shelf life. When buying CBD oil, the expiration date is rarely the first thing that comes to mind. Buyers mostly focus on the qualities and strengths of the oil rather than the expiration dates.
As consumer, it is important to consider where and how should CBD be stored, as it’s essential to know how long CBD oil will last from the date of purchase. The last thing you’d want is to get restricted by an expiration date that forces you to waste the remains of a valuable product like CBD oil.
High-quality CBD oil has a long and stable shelf life. It can stay in good condition for 12 to 24 months without losing its freshness and potency. However, the general lifespan depends on various factors, such as the manufacturing process, ingredients and packaging. Given the high value of CBD products, it is well worth considering where and how should CBD be stored.
How to Tell if your CBD has gone bad?
CBD oil usually gets used far before it nears the end of shelf life. Still, it’s always good to know the signs of an expired hemp product. In general, CBD oil has an aromatic and herbal smell. However, it could also smell like olive oil, mint leaves, or any essential oils. The scent depends on the product and the essential oils used.
Once your CBD oil goes past its expiration date, the aroma that was once pleasant will turn unmistakably rancid. Regardless, don’t hesitate to throw away your opened CBD products after two years. It may have begun to lose its potency and flavour.
It also becomes less effective once the oil gets darker and becomes cloudy. The darker the colour, the less useful the CBD oil will be. However, keep in mind that refrigerating it can also make it seem cloudy and thicker. In this case, all you need to do is to hold the bottle under lukewarm water, and it will liquefy.
Another warning sign would be the change in effects. CBD oil that is past its prime would no longer have the same impact as before, or it would require a higher dosage than you usually need.
What Affects the Shelf Life of CBD Oil?
While some infusions and extracts may experience quality degradation in a short period, others may stay fresh and usable indefinitely. As mentioned earlier, the shelf life of CBD oil can be affected by a few factors. If you want your CBD oil to last for a long time, you should have every information available about how should CBD be stored.
Extraction Method
CBD oil manufacturers use different extraction methods to isolate CBD from a cannabis plant and separate it from other cannabinoids. Each method can impact the quality and purity of the final product. Additionally, it also plays a role in the shelf life of the CBD oil.
Some of the standard extraction methods, including CO2 extraction, ethanol extraction, and oil extraction, but CBD is usually obtained through CO2 extraction. This type of extraction produces more stable compounds, free of chlorophyll and most contaminants. As a result, the final product will have better quality, purity, and longevity.
Carrier Oil
CBD is usually extracted from hemp. However, CBD oil doesn’t just contain hemp extract. It also includes carrier oil to improve the bioavailability of CBD. Hemp oil actually isn’t the most effective way to get CBD into our bodies to bond with receptors in the endocannabinoid system. Combining CBD with another fat that is more easily absorbed by the human body increases its potency and effect.
Mixing CBD with a carrier oil may improve its average shelf life for up to 24 months, depending on the carrier oil used. However, take note that these dates refer to the amount of time your oil is shelf-stable. Once you start using it, your oil may expire more quickly.
The packaging is another important factor that will determine the shelf life of CBD oil. A high-quality packaging does not only make a product marketable, but it also protects it from heat, sunlight, and humidity. It’s why most CBD tinctures are sold in amber or blue dropper bottles.
When buying CBD oil, look out for products sold in clear bottles or containers. While made from the same material, cannabinoid content will degrade more quickly in a clear bottle due to the extra light exposure. Make sure to also avoid products that are sold in plastic bottles as they let in light, air, and even humidity.
How should CBD be stored
While the quality and packaging are essential, the most significant determining factor in ensuring your CBD oil lasts a long time is the way it is stored. No matter how good the quality, it can still go foul before the expiration date is not stored correctly.
CBD is sensitive to heat, light, and air, which affects the shelf life of CBD. These elements degrade both the carrier base and the cannabidiol in CBD products. By observing proper storage practices, your CBD oil will avoid these elements, extend shelf life, and preserve their potency.
As storage is the most important factor, you have to make sure that you store your CBD products properly to make sure they don’t get compromised. The good news is that proper storing of CBD is not a difficult task as long as you remember these critical CBD oil storage tips.
Store CBD Products in A Cool Place
The best place would be a cool pantry away from appliances that produce heat. This includes dryers, heaters, oven, stoves, and even refrigerators. Electrical appliances tend to emit heat that will ruin your CBD products when exposed for a long time.
Some people keep their oil refrigerated to keep it away from heat, mostly when they prefer the taste or temperature a bit colder. However, it’s unnecessary to store it in a refrigerator unless you live in a hot and humid area.
If you’re traveling with your CBD oil, do not make the mistake of storing your CBD products inside your vehicle. A car can build up heat quickly, which will only facilitate the degradation of the cannabinoids in your CBD oil products.
Keep CBD products out of direct sunlight
Along the same lines, CBD products must not also get exposed to light, whether it’s artificial light or sunlight. Light exposure is the most significant contributor to cannabinoid deterioration.
Make sure to keep your CBD oil in its original bottle and don’t transfer it to a clear container, or they’d be vulnerable to light damage. Also, avoid putting it by your window, and return it to its storage place right after using it. While the packaging of your CBD oil is tinted, it’s not enough to protect it from the light.
Keep CBD products sealed in air-tight containers
Air exposure might rapidly shorten your CBD product’s shelf life. Oxygen can facilitate the breakdown of natural cannabinoids, which will cause the loss of their effectiveness. It’s why CBD products are usually sold in air-tight containers that are specifically designed to protect the contents from air damage.
When buying CBD oil, make sure it comes in a completely sealed container. Do not buy CBD products if the seal is broken. Always double check if the lid or cap is appropriately and tightly closed after each use to make sure air doesn’t seep into the bottle.
Love CBD is a small family-run CBD shop that offers high-quality cannabis oil, establishing a leading brand for CBD capsules, balm, and sprays in the UK.
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