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Although our hemp range is small, we hope that you will like and find value in our hemp tea and seeds. We always prefer quality over quantity.

Hemp is a wonderful plant with many amazing properties and huge under utilised potential, including to improve our health and the environment we share.

Did you know that it is able to sequester more than double the amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than trees.
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What is Hemp Oil?

Hemp oil, though a slightly loose term, is generally considered to be derived from the plants seeds. Hemp seed oil uses a traditional process of cold pressing seeds in order to produce an oil.

Hemp seed oil has many healthy properties and applications, is a great source of essential omega fats, and is higher in protein than beef, weight for weight.

This type of cold pressed oil is not to be confused as CBD oil, though some companies have in the past sought to do exactly this.

Is Hemp Oil the same as CBD?

Hemp oil and CBD are not the same. CBD is a one of many cannabinoids primarily found within cannabis plant, and hemp oil is an oil derived from the plants seeds.

Hemp seed oil may contain small concentrations of cannabinoids, though the majority of the CBD and other cannabinoids are found within the cannabis flowers. 

Hemp oil is often used as an ingredient in foods and cosmetics, for example, our CBD balm includes hemp seed oil. CBD on the other hand is a compound that has many different properties and applications, most commonly as a food supplement component to improve general health and wellness.


Here are some common questions relating to hemp that we though might be of interest.

Hemp oils vs CBD oil

Hemp oil is made by cold pressing the plant, most commonly the seeds. 

However, in order to try and circumvent The Foods Standards Agency (FSA) regulations on CBD, brands have been selling what they claim to be cold pressed oil from non seed sources. This is questionable, and largely unregulated, as cold pressing the flowers is illegal in the UK, and being able to produce a product with any meaningful amount of CBD and legal levels of THC, would need CBD isolate to achieve. We are seeing companies who are claiming to have new proprietary cold pressing techniques, to deliver non novel and legal products, though we are very sceptical about the validity of these claims.

CBD oil is extracted from flowers, this process can be undertaken using various methods including CO2, or food grade alcohol extraction. whereas hemp oil is traditionally produced by cold pressing the seeds to release the oil.


Hemp tea is extremely nutrient rich and contains minerals including Iron, Zinc, Potassium, Magnesium, Fibre and Phosphorus. It is also full of polyphenols, which are powerful anti-oxidants that can support your skins health.

Is Hemp tea the same as CBD tea?

Hemp tea is made from the leaves, flowers and stems of the plant and contains some CBD. To be legally compliant, the tea should not contain any THC, which is the compound responsible for the ‘high’ you get with marijuana. Hemp tea contains some CBD which is naturally found in the plant, plus other flavonoids, cannabinoids and terpenes.

CBD Tea contains much higher levels of CBD and often contains a CBD isolate or extract. So this product is deliberately designed to give you a higher concentration of CBD when consumed. It may also be missing some of the cannabinoids, flavonoids and terpenes found in hemp tea.

What Does Hemp Tea Do For The Body?
Hemp tea can help with our overall feeling of wellness and bring a balance to our body and contains important minerals and plant phenols. Some teas, like Love CBD’s also contain additional ingredients including Peppermint, Ginger and Chamomile which can also have positive effects on our body.

Peppermint is believed to aid digestion, Chamomile is thought to help us relax, and Ginger is know to have anti bacterial properties.

Does CBD Tea Work For Sleep?
CBD tea is primarily made to deliver a daily amount of CBD into your system. CBD can help us relax, but it can also stimulate us so, it may not be the best thing to drink before bedtime.

Hemp tea on the other hand, can help us to unwind and relax and is a great way to enable us to ‘switch off’ at the end of the day. It can contain some CBD, but usually in lower amounts than a CBD Tea which is specifically designed to offer CBD as part of a wellness routine. 

Some hemp tea products contain other ingredients which can help to relax us, like Chamomile which is believed to have a relaxing effect on us.

Which Is Better Hemp Tea or CBD Tea?
It depends on your needs. Hemp Tea usually has less CBD in it, but usually contains other compounds of the plant including terpenes, flavonoids and cannabinoids. This makes it a perfect compliment to your nightly wind down routine, as it can help you relax and ‘wind down’.

CBD Tea contains more CBD and is often made from an isolate or extract and is designed to give you a shot of CBD as part of your daily routine. It may not contain other cannabinoids and is therefore better at delivering CBD into your body.

Hemp tea is both nutritious and a great addition to a healthy and balanced diet. It contain important minerals and anti inflammatory plant phenols like other leafy green vegetables.

The Love CBD tea also contains chamomile which is proven to help you get a good night sleep, and ginger which helps digestion.

You can find more information in this article about why hemp tea is good for you.

The UK laws are outdated and need a radical overhaul. We are slowly beginning to see changes taking place with a recent reform intended to be a boost for the UK farming industry. However, these changes need to go much further as the industry has been massively hindered by Home Office rules which are not fit for purpose.

Hemp is legal in the UK provided that it contains no more than 0.2% THC, and is grown from EU approved strains. 

The flowers of the plant, despite the availability of them in the UK are illegal, and farmers are required to harvest their crop before the flowering parts of the plant grow. If not, the farmer will need to destroy their crop and bury the flowers.

Despite the flowers having no recreational value or appeal, they are considered by the Home Office to be the same a recreational cannabis intended to get the user ‘high’. 

What is even more ridiculous, is that we can sell CBD oils containing extracts of the flowers, but we cannot grow or process the ingredient that go into our finished products in the UK.

There are no rules or recommendations on how many cups per day to have. I generally like a relaxing cup in the evening, or when I feel like I want a hot drink containing no caffeine.